In an exciting development for anime enthusiasts in India, dentsu has announced the first-ever authentic Japanese anime event, 'Mela! Mela! Anime Japan!!' This landmark celebration of Japanese culture and anime will take place on September 28 and 29, at Pacific Mall, Tagore Garden, New Delhi. Supported by both the Indian and Japanese governments, the event aims to strengthen cultural ties and showcase the vibrant world of anime.
Anime has become a significant facet of Indian pop culture, drawing a devoted fanbase across the nation. This event will feature popular titles such as Suzume, Hello Kitty, JUJUTSU KAISEN, GODZILLA, SPY x FAMILY, CODE: WHITE, and Attack on Titan. Attendees can expect a rich array of exhibitions from leading Japanese companies, as well as stalls showcasing traditional Japanese cuisine.
Akira Tanaka, a representative from the Japanese government, stated, “We are thrilled to see such enthusiasm for Japanese culture in India. This event is a testament to the growing friendship between our nations.”
The programme will include film screenings, some of which may require an entry fee, alongside various booths exhibiting anime content, products, and services from Japanese companies. Visitors will also have the chance to enjoy stage events such as live concerts featuring animation singers and thrilling cosplay competitions.
Sanjay Gupta, the head of dentsu India, remarked, “This event marks a significant milestone in promoting cultural exchange. We believe it will further enhance the appreciation of Japanese anime in India.”
Event Details
Venue : Pacific Mall, Tagore Garden, New Delhi
- September 28 (Saturday): 11 AM - 10 PM
- September 29 (Sunday): 11 AM - 8 PM
For further information, visit the official website: Mela! Mela! Anime Japan!! Official Site.