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Brands have always been crafting amazing strategies to come into the consumer’s daily life. Bobble AI, with its ‘Conversation Media Marketing Solutions’ provides a customised approach to penetrate these conversations through emojis and GIFs which have become even larger than social media. Ankit Prasad, Founder and CEO, Bobble AI tells us how it is also about understanding and mapping ROI with subsequent consumer actions and much more

Q] Are brands open to trying out stickers and emojis, and invest in them?
Through our research barely a year ago, we found that brands perceive all digital channels as performance marketing channels. They were not perceived as branding channels primarily because in Digital it is easier to track the ROI compared to traditional media.

Now, especially after the COVID-19 outbreak, brands are looking for channels which can provide relevant branding in the digital platforms as well. We have seen a significant boost in the last three months.

Q] You deploy various AI services in conversation media. What are some of the key points for a brand in this process to be effective and successful?
Through this conversation media, brands are getting relevant eyeballs at the right time. At the same time we are also combining it to use the data to target the campaign precisely to the right audience segment and measure the ROI.

Our AI engine is compatible with 23 Indian languages and it kind of understands the user’s real time intent, maps it with the right content and delivers the content to the user for sharing. Secondly, on the content side we have AI based head creation software where we convert a selfie into a Bobble avatar which is then further used in creating stickers.

Therefore they become brand ambassadors within the small network of friends and family members. This way, we are creating millions of brand ambassadors who have small network of influence of their own.

Q] Bobble AI keyboard is loaded as the default keyboard in Xiaomi phones, thereby taking on the likes of Google and Microsoft. What is Bobble AI’s USP?
Google has been in the industry since long time but they have failed to serve the real needs of the users and therefore their market share has now decreased from 90% to less than 60%.

The market share of other keyboard players, including us, is increasing because we understand needs of the end consumer and create features around it. We have partnered with Xiaomi and various other phone manufacturers, and we’re hopeful that we will close some of the larger ones very soon.

We create a unique business model with distribution partners by giving them value against the business model of Google and Microsoft.

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Tags : Dipali Banka BOBBLE Ankit Prasad Bobble AI