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Eno's Innovation Play

BY Aryan Khanna

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Q] What does your marketing mix look like, and what mediums do you use for your campaigns?
ENO always launches new offerings using a mix of traditional and new-age marketing mediums, and the same multimedia strategy was deployed during the launch of ENO Chewy Bites. We took our campaign to TV, Print, Digital, and social media platforms to reach a young audience. We always ensure that our communication is in the local language for our regional executions, engaging with local and regional media to disseminate our news.

Q] What is the idea that went behind the campaign for ENO Chewy Bites?
ENO Chewy Bites is an innovation that makes life easier for consumers. It doesn’t require water and comes in tasty flavours. Considering our changing habits and lifestyle, this product has become crucial because of its ease and convenience. We have tried to highlight the same properties in our latest campaign. We have shown a typical out-of-home movement, where a family is enjoying a birthday party, and typically at such parties, there tends to be great-tasting food, which we end up binging on. This leads to acidity, and Chewy Bites emerges as a saviour, offering immediate relief.

Q] ENO has been a clear market leader and is now synonymous with antacids. So, what according to you is the reason behind this mega feat and how are you taking forward this legacy?
ENO has existed and thrived for over five decades, and what has enabled us to maintain such a position is consumer trust. For this, we have been constantly on our toes to discern their needs while ensuring we are committed to their requirements. Our commitment lies in preserving trusted efficacy across generations, addressing millions, even billions of acidity cases. Rooted in science and leadership, we adapt to evolving consumer needs, offering fast relief. Understanding our audience’s changing lifestyles, ENO remains the trusted enabler, providing quick solutions for the uninterrupted enjoyment of food.

Q] Please talk about your weakest and strongest markets and the targets you have set for them.
ENO has a pan-India presence; we have strengths across all markets. The task we have taken up doesn’t limit itself to a particular zone, because this need exists across India. Convenience is not confined to a specific market, so are evolving lifestyles, and therefore, we continue to research and work towards providing convenience across geographies. Our goal remains fulfilling the needs of our customers.

Q] Will you rely on a single-communication approach for Pan-India, or would you use region-specific multiple communications?
Our mainline communication is pan-India. But, we will continue to use local languages for regional executions. The Digital ecosystem around us today does support us to localise our conversations with the audience. Eno will reach out to the relevant markets through this Digital ecosystem, making it more relatable and relevant to the respective markets.

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Tags : #innovation #e4m #advertising #ENO #KishlaySeth #HaleonISC #Digestive #DigestiveHealth #communication