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Creativity is such a powerful tool: John Mescal


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In a conversation with IMPACT, John Mescall, Creative Chair, byTheNetwork, and Yash Kulshrestha, CCO, ^ a t o m, which is part of byTheNetwork, discuss the functionings of independent agencies and large networks, highlighting how independent agencies like theirs put creative as well as creative people at the core. The duo also goes on to talk about their own experiences with freedom, working for an independent agency. 

John Mescall acknowledges that in advertising– be it with independent agencies or big networks– the end goal is to solve problems creatively. He, however, does paint a picture in favour of independent agencies. 

Speaking on what gives independent agencies an edge over big networks, the ad man shares, “I think the best agencies have always been owned and run by creatives. Not that the big holding company proposition is wrong,  but what we believe is creativity is such a powerful tool that we constantly wanna find ways to get straight to that. This way it is more seamless, efficient, cheaper, quicker and devoid of organisational layers.”

Yash Kulshrestha, who has already done multiple projects abroad, gives credit to his agency for the exposure. Giving a sneak peak into his experiences, he says, “At ^ a t o m, it’s always been about borderless creativity. I have gotten the chance to work with teams in the US, Mexico, Europe, and Thailand, which has helped me partner with the best talent in different countries, and inspired me to do more great work.”

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