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Committed to Expanding

BY Arka Roy Chowdhury

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Q] Can you shed some light on your brand journey and how it has strengthened over the years? Also, what innovative marketing strategies do you use to reach the masses?
The journey of Mankind Pharma and its brands’ enduring strength over the years has been marked by innovative marketing strategies. For instance, Prega News, the leading pregnancy test kit brand from Mankind Pharma boasts an impressive 85% market share, which has necessitated a heightened responsibility to engage with our audience on broader societal issues to foster brand love and loyalty among the masses. Recently, we launched the #SheCanCarryBoth campaign on International Women’s Day, focussing on women’s empowerment and ability to excel at home and in the workplace. This initiative was also extended through an innovative out-of-home campaign at Cyber Hub, Gurugram, where we celebrated women’s contributions in the professional sphere. Such endeavours underscore our commitment to promoting our product and fostering meaningful connections with our consumers on a deeper level. Similarly, recently we launched an innovative marketing campaign on April Fool’s Day for Manforce, creating a shoutout on the launch of colour-changing condoms when a female gets her orgasm. Such campaigns grab eyeballs and attract consumers towards brands.

Q] Which medium do you aggressively target for your brand visibility and why? Can you elaborate on how you allocate your marketing budget on various platforms?
We have transitioned our brand visibility strategy from traditional mediums like Print and Television to Digital platforms. The surge in digital adoption, especially after Jio’s impact, has significantly increased our digital budgets from around 15% to 35-40%. Platforms such as YouTube offer a wide audience reach and high engagement potential so we can tap into a user base of 600 to 700 million people. We allocate approximately 40 to 45% of our budget to digital platforms for brands like Manforce, while for Prega News, we allocate around 30 to 35%. This flexible allocation model ensures that we distribute our visibility and engagement across various platforms, aligning with the evolving digital landscape and the unique requirements of each brand.

Q] What trends are you observing related to the slowdown? What is the way ahead?
In the current economic slowdown, the pharmaceutical industry is going through notable shifts and trends. These include a subtle transition towards digital marketing strategies to adapt to changing consumer behaviours and regulatory landscapes. Additionally, there’s a discernible emphasis on fostering innovation and product differentiation to maintain competitiveness, alongside a growing recognition of the importance of preventive healthcare solutions in meeting evolving consumer demands. Moving forward, a balanced approach integrating digital engagement, innovation, and customer-centricity will be pivotal for pharmaceutical brands to navigate the complexities of the slowdown.

Embracing these trends and maintaining a steadfast commitment to excellence will be imperative for pharmaceutical companies to navigate the slowdown effectively while positioning themselves for long-term success in a dynamic market environment.

Q] Do you think, post-pandemic, the brand messaging and propositions in India have changed?
Our brand campaigns have undergone a strategic transformation, particularly in light of the digital revolution and changing consumer behaviours. Our advertising used to focus on functional benefits, but we have recognised the importance of incorporating emotional resonance to captivate modern consumers. The advent of digital platforms, especially small format videos, has revolutionised the advertising space, diverting attention from merely traditional television ads to shorter, more engaging online content.

Q] Do you still advertise on TV despite the slowdown? Can you share some insights on how you market your brand via TV?
Mankind Pharma understands and recognises the evolving media landscape. While Television continues to be a powerful tool for brand building and reaching a broad audience, we’ve strategically adjusted our marketing mix in the post-pandemic era. We’ve optimised our media spends by allocating a higher percentage towards digital advertising channels. This allows us to target specific demographics and leverage the data-driven insights offered by digital platforms. However, television advertising remains a key component of our strategy. We believe it can effectively create brand awareness and amplify our message.

Q] What is your media spending like, at this point? How much of your marketing budget goes to TV and Digital?
At Mankind Pharma, we take a data-driven and consumer-centric approach to media allocation. After all, different products resonate with different audiences, and our media spends reflect that. We leverage in-depth consumer insights to strategically distribute our marketing budget across various channels. This allows us to maximise reach and brand affinity for each product within its target market. While we’ve increased our investment in digital advertising to keep pace with evolving consumer habits, television continues to play a valuable role, particularly for broader brand awareness campaigns.

We’re firm believers of pushing the boundaries and exploring innovative avenues to connect with our consumers. This is evident in our past, from our out-of-the-box stunts like Burj Khalifa advertising and SpiceJet partnerships, to our recent quirky OOH activations. These initiatives not only grab attention but also help us build a strong emotional connection with our target audience.

Q] We recently concluded the General Elections in India. In what ways do big events such as the elections influence consumer behaviour?
Big events such as elections have a profound impact on consumer behaviour as they create a heightened focus on news content. Consumer attention is significantly directed towards the news genre, presenting a strategic opportunity for brands to engage with their target audience. This topical moment allows brands to capture consumer attention and potentially influence their behaviour, making it a crucial period for marketing and promotional activities.

Q] What is your roadmap for future growth?
Our two major focus points are Marketing Innovation, Product Expansion and Category Penetration. At Mankind Pharma, we look for ground-breaking marketing strategies to capture consumer attention. We believe in going beyond the traditional, saturated advertising spaces. Our past success with unconventional approaches, such as SpiceJet branding, exemplifies this philosophy. We’re exploring innovative marketing mediums that will not only grab eyeballs but also forge deeper connections with our target audience. We are committed to expanding our product portfolio strategically. Building on the success of established brands like Prega News, we’re focusing on extending our presence in the high-growth segments of sexual wellness, reproductive care, and multivitamins. This expansion will be fueled by in-depth market research and a deep understanding of evolving consumer needs.

In 2021, Prega News achieved a penetration rate of 17%, targeting an increase to 25% by fiscal year 2027. The brand’s success is evident, with approximately 10 crore pregnancy testing kits sold within a year, making it the No. 1 brand with an 85% market share. The commitment to rural penetration is reflected in the market share increase from 81.6% to 86% in rural areas between November 2021 and November 2023.

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