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Love in Small Moments

BY Garima Arora

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I truly believe that love often shows itself in the smallest actions. Whether it’s a text message to check on a friend, a spontaneous hug, or giving chocolates to homeless children, these acts of kindness make a big difference. It’s amazing how simple gestures can brighten someone’s day and make them feel valued. I’ve seen first-hand how these moments of love can create lasting positive impacts.

When I began my career in advertising, I often noticed that food was frequently overlooked and wasted on set. This disregard for food struck a chord with me. At Entourage Films, in the office or on set, I’ve always ensured my team is well-fed. However, I couldn’t ignore the stark contrast between our approach to food and the reality that countless underprivileged children in India go to bed hungry each night. This realisation was a turning point for me, recognising the importance of valuing and sharing resources responsibly became a cornerstone of my life.

I consider it a blessing to be able to spend quality time with underprivileged kids, that alone fills them with hope and a sense of belonging. Their unconditional love has deeply moved me and inspired me in many ways. This led to the formation of our NGO, NamMyoho Daan, along with my business partner, Ness Wadia. Our primary focus is on providing necessities, lots of love, happiness, and equal opportunities for underprivileged children.

Through this initiative, we aim to help as many children as possible and make them feel valued and cherished. It’s a journey driven by passion, a commitment to spreading joy and hope to those who need it most.

One poignant moment crystalizes why I’ve embarked on this journey. We had taken a group of girls from a specific organization to an IPL match and eventually celebrated a few birthdays and festivals with them too. One day, a sweet girl from that group approached me and said, ‘Thank you.’ I casually asked her why. Her reply was, “For coming to meet us. Everyone sends food and clothes, but no one comes to meet us,” that deeply touched my heart. I realized that what truly matters to these children is our presence and love. From that day on, Ness and I have been personally attending every event we organize for them, especially during festivals. It’s our way of affirming their value and expressing our love.

Building on this commitment, we started an initiative called Hasti Masti Khel, where we take kids from various organizations from many parts of the country to watch IPL live. It’s heartwarming to watch these kids happy and excited, this experience not only gives them unforgettable memories but also inspires them.

Over the past four years, we have danced, cheered, and shared meals, but most importantly, we have shared unconditional love and I have witnessed time and again that the smallest moments make the biggest impact. Whether it’s offering food to your security guard, offering water or nimbu pani to the delivery boy, ordering food for your house help whenever you order some great meals for yourself or buying food for kids instead of just giving money, such gestures truly matter. Money is a powerful resource that can be used beautifully, but love and positive energy exchanged in these acts of kindness make a difference. It’s about genuinely caring and connecting with others in meaningful ways.

Love shows itself in many ways, but its most powerful forms are in gestures of kindness, empathy, and connection. Every small gesture creates a positive ripple effect that can touch many lives. It’s these little acts that make the world a brighter place and I cherish every opportunity to contribute. You never know how a simple act of kindness can spark a lifetime of inspiration and dreams - that is the magic of love. And for anyone reading this, I urge you to embrace kindness, open your hearts and share your love. The world needs it, now more than ever.

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